How To Find Your Passion With A Life Coach

When it comes to finding your passion, it is important that you have spent time learning more about who you are and what you want. More importantly, it is essential that you embrace the journey and stay in the moment so that anxiety does not overwhelm you. As a life coach, I always try to help my clients tune in to what excites them the most. We recently held a webinar asking over one hundred clients on what their idea is about passion and here is what they had to say:

Passion is not a job, a sport, or a hobby. It is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you. And if you're so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that change your life. You could also miss out on a great love. Because that's what happens when you have tunnel vision, trying to find the one.

Passion isn't stressful for me. It is an outlet for all emotion inside of me. I know that every job that I have just taken I ended up miserable and unhappy in. So I disagree about just taking the crumbs that are handed to you. It's about searching and investing in the ingredients to build your own recipe. It will be unique and may not be mainstream but who cares if you're doing what you love. Finding your talents and what you're good at combined with finding like minded people to enjoy those with is the key to a passionate career. Now that's not to say we all won't have off days but it is a better feeling to be doing what you love and be good at it then to be doing something you hate to support someone else's dreams.

Now when I say supporting someone else's dream that can be your family, friends, not knowing who you truly are, or working for a company that profits off of the work you do to keep the company going (a pawn, a number, slave, minion lol). I will have my passionate dream job, but by taking all the retail jobs I have for 17 years only led me to hate my job which bled over into my personal life many times. We just have to be brave enough to do the work and chase it. Nothing happens over night and I know that. So I will work towards that and soon I won't work for corporate companies who only value money. And if some people enjoy her process? More power to them. Tomato-tamato. Everyone is different.

Getting  a job any job its not forever and it starts one on a path one step at a time it helps you learn about yourself along the way. We expect too much of young adults to be in the perfect college, get the perfect grades, the perfect job as soon as that college dipolma is in hand.  I think many young adults  fail in life because they are in fear of  being judged or they have been told they are the top dog their whole life and they just cant cope when the real world hits them in the but and they realize they are not that special.  One has  to crawl before they  walk.  As for that college degree many people take jobs that have nothing to do with what their degree was for that degree is to show a person  can commit to doing hard work and follow through.  One should not look at  getting a degree in a certain field as being stuck in one profession.  Look at that degree  as a stepping  stones to  get one going in life and maybe in a direction one  never thought they would go in their life.

Why would a glass cleaner not find his passion is glass cleaning? That is the moment she becomes elitist. I think a good society is where the glass cleaner is respected and can get passionate about his job. Maybe he can build tools or robots to make it better, try out different chemicals, try different microfiber wipes and finishing coats to keep the glass clean longer. Everything can be done well and with passion and everything can be interesting. It's a matter of attitude.

If you don't know what you're passionate about it means you don't have a passion. It means you're one of the many mediocre 9 to 5 people living their lives. Lots of people find jobs they enjoy, but a passion is something else. A passion calls to you. You don't need to find it. You know immediately what you need to do.

I think passion is not just something that "fuels the fire for a few days" I think passion is the thing that you desire. Maybe some people have a hard time discovering it and that is okay but I don't think passion is just a feel good for a while emotion. I am 18 and went from a cashier to a team gymnastics coach because i decided I needed to do what I am passionate about and that gives me life. I have never been so happy. I really enjoyed this talk and love how we all have different opinions on such a simple thing.

This ideal doesn't really lead to a very exciting life, it's more just endlessly stumbling over jobs. Following your passion gives you a plan to follow for yourself, true passions don't change based on whims on a day to day basis.

The problem, by the time one ask the question, "is this it"  you have spent a life time (no matter how old you are) being told by your community of friends and society what happiness, joy, purpose and passion is for you. Not easy to break away from all the programing. That is where some exploration and self awareness do come into play.

I've been trying to figure out what I'm meant to do with my life and it's so hard to take a step forward when I'm so clueless. I just graduated high school and my mother wants me to go to college but I don't even know what I want in my life. I think this video just made me realize what I'm passionate for is learning and experiencing. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that information but wish me luck.

I know for me, I had considered window washing as a new gig.  It would very much bring a passion for being in high places, not having to interact with people nonstop throughout the day, certainly not being in an office in a cubicle, and perhaps a passion for seeing the immediate fruits of my labor.
Turns out, I'm not excited enough about being outside in the winter to still love the experience.  But I guarantee you, there's plenty of window washers out there that have an OCD passion for seeing clean glass and love all the other reasons that I loved about the possibility of doing that job.

It sounds to me like she wants everyone that can't find their passion to accept mediocrity.  Count me out. Dreams can change the world. Dreams can change your life and the lives of people around you. Keep looking and NEVER give up. Yes it's hard. So what? Looking back when you're 90 and saying ''I could have at least looked a little harder for my passions'' is NOT the answer. You have to look deep inside yourself to find what you want. You can't expect to find inner happiness by looking outside yourself. Keep looking within. It WILL come, in time.

Nice, contrarian perspective on the much murdered notion of passion. Even my pet hamster seems to have this ailment. Life is just a sum of events that fall together with generous help of people, hard work, circumstances and dollops of  luck. Social media has made things worse by the exhibitionists who put all of their vacations, happiness and mirth out for everyone. In the end, the soul needs to be at peace with oneself and one's circumstances. That's the real big deal.

Not accepting opportunities is the one thing, but what if you do and still after years feel that road you are walking is completely wrong? Superficial and narrow understanding. Second. She is saying passion is not a plan. Passion brings dreams and they bring plan how to fulfill them. More than this plans which are built on top of your own dreams gonna be in harmony with your inner-self, so it seems She is missing the point on why people are searching for a passion in the first place. At the end she outlines that it is absolutely fine about not knowing what to do next, or in 5 years. Well... She doesn't have neither passion nor plans.



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